
Channelbone: Video
2:04 min., SD video



Channelbone is a single-channel video, a site-specific video installation and a series of photographs.

Two people play dominoes on a stage in an Eisenhower-era auditorium. When the curtain opens, a group of American war veterans with spinal cord injuries pull helium balloons across the stage. Two people tango on top of the balloons, while two other people erase a chalkboard. The soundtrack is Paloma Negra by Tango Lorca.

The choreography and installation was based on interviews with these veterans.



Channelbone: Installation
50’ x 16’ x 16’



Channelbone: Installation [detail]
50’ x 16’ x 16’



Channelbone: Installation [detail]
50’ x 16’ x 16’



Click here to see the project fabrication process.




Harry Brown
Michael Flanagan
Marvin Foster
Rose Ganz
Victor Ganz
Madeleine Hackney
Robert Kiger
Ruth Kult
Karen Moehsmer
Arash Sabet
James Williams


Michelle Abeln
Tanya Apostolova
Brandon Barnes
Sasha Benitez
Kaitlyn Breen
Alex Bulejski
Tyler Clark
Jordan Feeler
Katie Frazer
Nicholas Giesler
Agnieszka Gradzik
Jana Hamby
Darren Hansen
Matt Luitjohan
Andrew King
Lindsay Martorana
Cara Murphy
Anna Nieman
Paulette Omura
Zachary Otte
Shannon Piwowarczyk
Desiree Rindahl
Tera Rosebrough
Becky Siegel
Sarah Thiele
Amy Will
Alexandre Wolken


Paloma Negra-Beau Bledsoe
Tango Lorca, Mujer Sola Recording, used with permission



© 2007 Megan and Murray McMillan