Hope is dorky. I hope nobody ever thinks it’s something I think of. Cool, the opposite of hope, is all about the appearance of confidence. Cool eats hope for lunch. Cool is post-hope.
Hope is messy, delicate and elusive. It’s nothing I ever will own, sealed in a magazine subscription.
If you’re interested in cool, just whistle. Go to the store and get the shoes. You know the ones in all those supermarket check out aisles. It doesn’t matter if you’re poor, stressed or mad because you can pull cool over yourself like a sweaty plastic raincoat, those tiny underarm air-vents pretending they care.
Hope is so frustratingly located outside.
I like to wear a breathable wool sweater in the rain. It absorbs the rain and puts it somewhere.
feets // Oct 4, 2004 at 10:30 am
Hi Murray, your post got me thinking. I’m just thinking out loud here…
Let us not confuse “hoping” for something with “wishing” for something.
I know in slang, we often say that we “hope” for something to be true, when we really mean that we wish for it to be true.
I’m no English expert, but I always thought to hope in something is to have confidence in something that you cannot see, but believe to be true. (Which isn’t all too far from your definition of cool.)
I don’t see how this is dorky (but I’ve been called a dork many times)…
Hope is indeed something that I own, but I didn’t get it from a magazine subscription, I found it in the Bible.
I put my hope in Christ’s return. I trust that heaven exists and those that find salvation in Christ will spend eternity with him, even though I haven’t seen this happen yet.
“Hope is so frustratingly located outside”
Those who put their hope in humanity (not saying you do) can only end up frustrated. I find it a relief to put my hope in the creator of the universe
“For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees?”
Romans 8:24 (NAS)
feets // Oct 4, 2004 at 6:54 pm
I fully realize that I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed…
I probably just missed something in there? Inquiring minds want to know π
Murray // Oct 5, 2004 at 1:56 am
Thanks for your comments.
I’m comfortable with the ambiguity because a good question is more powerful than a good answer. Mystery drives curiosity as certainly as speed threatens sensitivity.
There are times when an answer is necessary. However, I’m much more interested in the complexity and poetry of life, and I’m naturally drawn more to the questions.
When Megan and I design artwork, sometimes we think we know the answers to the questions our art asks, sometimes we don’t. Either way we design the art to ask the hard questions because that’s what good art does…and well, sometimes we’re wrong.
: )
Murray // Oct 5, 2004 at 1:59 am
Forgive me, but I think I’m gonna use that as a new post, thanks for the inspiration.
feets // Oct 5, 2004 at 8:46 am
I really liked the image that goes with this post, I found myself just staring at it…
It reminds me of the first time I got a compact disc. Our stereo was right beside a window, and when I pulled the CD out I saw the rainbows in it. I remember just sitting there sort of moving it around trying to get the most intense colors. I don’t know how to explain it other than it made me feel good inside to stare at them…
Murray // Oct 5, 2004 at 12:48 pm