Sorry for the big Kierkegaard quote the other day, and the truncated explanation. I finished typing it up, so convinced of its inherent genius and clarity, and realized I’d used up all my in-between-class time with the typing. Then I read it again later, without the heat of the original context and my focused energy when reading it, and realized I probably needed to connect the dots a bit more.
Sidenote: one of the things I’ve discovered with blogging in this new format (I used to have my own blog: upsaid/oolong), is that the tiny columns lend themselves to shorter, less text-heavy posts. I used to be a big-text-block blogger, and sometimes I’m shocked by the scrolling-down required of my longer posts on this new blog, particularly when I use blockquotes.
Leonard Bast, one of my favorite bloggers, recently wrote a post about another post by Dan Green decrying Strunk and White, and while I do agree in principle about the unfortunate stripping down of language this little volume encouraged, I also think that different mediums call for different writing styles.
The medium Murray and I have constructed in this new blog seems to call for brevity. As Strunk and White say, “vigorous writing is concise.” Obviously, I’m struggling with these new constraints. Wasn’t I writing about Kierkegaard? So now we’d have to scroll down even more to get to the meat of this post. Ack! Maybe I should just address Philosopher K in a whole new post.
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