On Heros and Villains

January 25th, 2005 · 1 Comment · Writing


As always, media casting directors create an elaborate system of stereotypes. The hero always looks a certain way, as does the villain, fool, corrupt, intelligent, etc. This advanced visual language has profoundly entered the psychology of the culture. Wouldn’t it be dangerous if individuals in society–non actors–subconsciously altered their personality to correspond to how they perceived their appearance casted by the media?

You can be anybody you want to be.

Secondly, why all the emphasis on villains in the media? I suppose it’s easier to have a clear goal. Stop the bad guys. No need to negotiate politics, religion, race, economics or any other potentially upsetting issue. Everyone can agree on this.

This also enters the psychology of the culture.

Category: Writing

One Comment so far ↓

  • Allie

    How about an addendum on your scar theory….
    Thanks again for lunch and the lovely orchid. It was good to catch up face to face.

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