Box Tunnels

February 9th, 2005 · 1 Comment · 2004 - 2012 Sketchbook


When I was little, elementary-school-little, my dad made box tunnel mazes for my birthdays. This wasn’t your average couple-o-boxes-together job. He is an engineer with a flair for the dramatic. This was a planned-for-months/refrigerator box/my-reputation-is-on-the-line job. The final tunnel for my fifth-grade birthday had three stories, hidden pits and a 12′ slide in the middle. Everything was tape sealed to be pitch black and took up two rooms of our house. Kids would show up for months asking if this was the house that the tunnels were in.

It’s striking how you become how you played as a child. It’s makes me laugh when I think about how boxy my work is — and how Megan and I choreograph people similar to how we played as children with dolls and houses, action figures and bases (dolls and houses).

Category: 2004 - 2012 Sketchbook

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