Easily one of the top forty films of all time. Possibly a top 20 contender, although at that point the headache threat shies me away from substantial calculation. For mature audiences, although anybody less wouldn’t make it past the first scene: a sublime Pina Bausch choreography. Our friend A.M.’s favorite movie (I know every movie is someone’s favorite movie, however, it still strikes me as significant).
It’s got bull fighting, snakes and a jail but it’s really about the delicate relationship balanced between a group of people (aren’t they all?). Writer/director Pedro Almodovar, who won an Academy Award for the screenplay, will inspire you and leave you sick with envy, your throat sore, your eyes watery.
Allie // Mar 20, 2005 at 5:15 am
Thanks for the review- I look forward to when it makes its way to the top of my queue…