If you happen to be in Seattle tomorrow evening, don’t miss the Robert Wilson lecture at the Seattle Art Museum.
1 Have you been here before?; 2 No, this is the first time…; An Evening with Robert Wilson
Jun 30, 2005
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Plestcheeff AuditoriumIn an exceptional and rare performance of more than three hours, internationally acclaimed director and artist Robert Wilson invites us into his astonishing aesthetic universe. Combining hundreds of striking images — from his earliest experimental works to his monumental stagings from the operatic repertoire and including his conception and installation design for the exhibition Isamu Noguchi — Sculptural Design — Wilson provides an intimate self-portrait of his creative process. [more info here]
We are such big Robert Wilson fans that it might be worth a quick trip up the coast. About 5 years ago, Murray and I saw him lecture at the Hogg Auditorium at UT Austin. Wilson walked onto the stage, took the podium, and stood — completely still — for about two minutes before launching into one of the most fascinating lectures I’ve ever attended. Though visually and technologically rich, it was Wilson’s charisma that kept the audience rapt. He taught us how to stand with presence, and I’ve never forgotten.
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