A while back, I mentioned the tripod head we’re using for our new video camera. It’s a very old, very heavy CBS broadcast tripod head that we rescued from the trash in LA. Since it’s broadcast, it has the most fluid panning ability and can be locked into place at all kind of angles. It’s one of those pieces of equipment that is so well designed and fabricated that it looks good just sitting there and it’s a solid workhorse. The one problem, which basically renders it useless, is that it’s missing the mounting piece that connects the tripod head to the camera itself. Wouldn’t matter anyway, we don’t have one of those giant broadcast tv cameras.
Murray took on the challenge of adapting this beautiful, but useless piece of equipment to our camera. With some hardwood he’d gotten for free on Craigslist, he constructed a mount that intersects the head and the camera. This new mount is pure art, and it locks into place snugly, just like it was factory-made. It’s awfully handy having a good engineer and builder on my team.
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