On the threshold of Sound Space in Laredo, the two large pod sculptures illuminated within diaphanous plastic are softly breathtaking. The couple in collaboration, Megan and Murray McMillan, staged a performance and installation in propinquity with a video made during their Spring 2006 residency at Can Serrat in Barcelona.
Read the rest of Dissociative Disorders & Dancing in Laredo by writer and critic Michelle Gonzalez Valdez here on her San Antonio-based collaborative art blog Emvergeoning.
Ramón Villarreal, one of the performers of the fugue writes here (in Spanish) about his experience inside the structure during the two-hour performance on his design blog, Ruta 209.
Hi! i visited your website some time ago… am i mistaken or the title of this installation was previously “brick fugue”?
What does “bruc” mean ? what does the installation mean to you, relating to the title? what are your intentions and in what sense do you call it “fugue”? lots of questions… from a musician with open mind. your work is intriguing !
thanks! carry on!
Hello! Thanks so much!
The title has always been “Bruc Fugue”. “Bruc” comes from El Bruc, the town in Spain where we created and filmed it. The Installation was a continuation of the theme of collected trash, and the people who navigate it. How the people worked with the trash in both the installation and the video seemed to behave similar to a musical fugue.