Entr’acte (Entreato), René Clair (Director), 1924
Charlie Chaplin, The Great Dictator, 1940
Maya Deren, Alexander Hamid, Meshes of the Afternoon, 1943
Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly, Singin in the Rain, 1952
Alvin Ailey, Revelations, 1960
Bill Viola, The Reflecting Pool, 1977-79
Pina Bausch, Café Muller, 1978
Dumb Type, Memorandum, 1998
Dancer in the Dark, 2000
Brothers Quay, Institute Benjamenta, 1995
Michel Gondry, White Stripes: Fell In Love With A Girl, 2002
David Bell
Rabbit, Run Wrake, 2006
Elisabeth // Oct 30, 2007 at 3:03 am
This is a link to one of my favorite dance groups, La La La Human Steps entitled “Human Sex”. The athleticism and vibrancy is great as well as the “aquarium” which is only in this version. I thought you might enjoy it….