After a long day of travel yesterday, we arrived in LA to begin our install at the gallery. It’s raining and everything is vivid green: the hills are vibrating with leprechaun color.
We checked in at the gallery and immediately started our materials hunt, beginning with the best thrift store in the universe. It’s over by Dodger Stadium, but that’s all I’m gonna say: years ago I was sworn to secrecy about divulging its location. True to its rep and we scored a 1984 television studio monitor that we’re building into the installation. We knew we wanted old technology that speaks to the time period of the piece, and 1984? Could that be a more perfect year? Reagan in office and the Orwellian year of prophecy.
These bits and pieces of data — that the TV is from 1984, say — are the kind of thing that, while not conceptually necessary, add a consistency that reads true in a way that some slick new flatscreen from Frye’s wouldn’t.
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