Adrian Sauer, Atelier (video still), 2008, 23:45 min., ed. 5+1 a.p. [image courtesy of KLEMM’S, Berlin]
Adrian Sauer, Atelier (video still), 2008, 23:45 min., ed. 5+1 a.p. [image courtesy of KLEMM’S, Berlin]
Adrian Sauer, Atelier (video still), 2008, 23:45 min., ed. 5+1 a.p. [image courtesy of KLEMM’S, Berlin]
Under the category of “this-is-not-what-it-seems-at-first-glance,” Adrian Sauer’s video installation, Atelier at Klemm’s in Berlin, begs the audience to underestimate and then be surprised. As the video slowly circles the artist’s studio, closer examination reveals that everything in the video is not real. All surfaces are computer processed and lack depth. The effect is beyond mere posterization and suggests the landscape is either computer modeled or Flash-vector traced from video: either way, a generous reward. The exhibition also includes several photographs of similarly created environments. Atelier closes June 21, 2008.
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