OK for all you artists who work with wood: notice the miter saw with the board bolted to the fence. Bolt on a board to both sides of your miter and cut through it. That gives you the EXACT cutting line and makes your miter fast and accurate. Need to cut an angle? Just slide the fences back and when you return them it's still aligned. We clamp "stops" (chunk of 2×6) to the longer side for repeat cuts.
We use a 12" Delta Industrial Dual Bevel miter saw. We bought it because its cutting distance is incredible (almost as long as a slider, but with less moving parts it's more accurate). That said, the blade is so far forward it tends to kick more sawdust up and over your head than I like. If I were doing it again I'd go Makita, who make legendary miter saws.
There is no one brand that makes everything right. All brands usually do a few things MUCH better than their competition and everything else worse. That's how they make their money. The key is to know which brands (and models) to get for each tool. This requires a lot of data, but fortunately there are premium forums to help. I've been a member of this one for a long time (it can be rowdy, but the answers you'll get are top notch).
I should also note: never get tool advise from anybody who doesn't use the tool (like most store salesmen–not all–but most).
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