Coal Bin: Tea House Lock Mechanism

September 11th, 2013 · No Comments · 2013 In What Distant Sky



Second Assistant Alex Peacock with MASS MoCA Fabricator/Art Ninja Derek Parker loading the finished tea house lock mechanism to take to North Adams. Derek ended up taking all the measurements off of this and rebuilding it so it could better fit into the tea house (which he built off of our SketchUp model). And look prettier. There are some really hideous connections in there. In my defense, there is a comic amount of screws in those terrible looking connections.



Alex Peacock with the completed tea house lock mechanism in position with the boulder.




The completed tea house lock mechanism with 4×4 lock inserted and locked.




J.R. Uretsky and Alex Peacock











Building the scaffolding to hold up the tea house lock mechanism (the part of the tea house that the boulder fits into).


Category: 2013 In What Distant Sky

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