2016 Ortega y Gasset Projects, The Shifting Space Around Us, Brooklyn, New York
2014 Qbox Gallery, In What Distant Sky, Athens, Greece
2013 WaterFire Art Center, The Coal Bin Project Launch, Providence, Rhode Island
2012 Cohen Gallery, Brown University, When We Didn’t Touch the Ground, Providence, Rhode Island
2011 Pell Chafee Performance Center, The Remains of Something Whole, Providence, Rhode Island
2010 Qbox Gallery, What We Loved and Forgot, Athens, Greece
Axiom Center for New and Experimental Media, What Stands Between Us and the Sun, Boston, Massachusetts
2009 Kwan Fong Gallery, While She Waits for the Light, Los Angeles, California
2008 Gallery Titanik, A Slight Shift of Gravity, Turku, Finland
Greenleaf Gallery, The Listening Array, Los Angeles, California
2007 Qbox Gallery, The Oldest Song We Know, Athens, Greece
White Flag Projects, Channelbone, St Louis, Missouri
2016 Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, Explode Everyday: An Inquiry Into the Phenomena of Wonder, curated by Denise Markonish, North Adams, Massachusetts
Boston Center for the Arts’ Mills Gallery, Fertile Solitude, curated by Elizabeth Devlin, Boston, Massachusetts
Bristol Art Museum, Good Evening, Bristol, Rhode Island
2015 Cove: Visual Arts on Georges Island, curated by Elizabeth Devlin, Georges Island, Massachusetts
2014 Nuit Blanche: The Night Circus, curated by Denise Markonish, Toronto, Canada
ArtLAB, Lawn on D, O Pioneers!, curated by Kate Gilbert
2013 Ikono On Air Festival, curated by Paolo Colombo, Berlin, Germany
Between Music and Art, curated by Jack Pam, Berlin, Germany
Eyebeam Art + Technology Center, video_dumbo 2013: Camera Obscura, curated by Caspar Stracke and Gabriela Monroy, Brooklyn, New York
RISD Museum, Locally Made, curated by Kristen Carbone, Dina Deitsch, Providence, Rhode Island
deCordova Museum and Sculpture Park’s Dewey Gallery, Character Study, Lincoln, Massachusetts
2012 deCordova Museum and Sculpture Park, 2012 deCordova Biennial, curated by Dina Deitsch and Abigail Ross
Goodman, Lincoln, Massachusetts
2011 Foster Gallery, Family Portraits, curated by Evelyn Rydz, Boston, Massachusetts
Contemporary Art Center, Animacall, curated by Syrago Tsiara and Domna Gounari, Thessaloniki, Greece
R.K.Projects, EBB&FLOW, curated by Sam Keller, Tabitha Piseno and Neal Walsh, Providence, Rhode Island
2010 Kunsthallen Brandts Museum, Wild Things, curated by Lene Burkard, Odense, Denmark
Casa Masaccio Center for Contemporary Art, L’evento Immobile: Annunciazioni, curated by Saretto Cincinelli, CristianaCollu and Alessandro Sarri, San Giovanni Valdarno, Italy
Rhode Island School of Design, Sol Kofler Gallery, Pixilerations [v.7], Providence, Rhode Island
Glow II: Rites of Spring, curated by Leo Kuelbs, Adam Nankervis, and Gillian Morris, Berlin
El Museo Cultural, Currents2010, curated Mariannah Amster, Frank Ragano, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2009 State Museum of Contemporary Art, Praxis: Art in Times of Uncertainty, 2nd Thessaloniki Biennale, curated by Gabriela Salgado (Tate Modern, London), Bisi Silva (Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos), Syrago Tsiara (State Museum of Contemporary ArtThessaloniki), Thessaloniki, Greece
Axiom Center for New and Experimental Media, Pulling Back the Curtain, Boston, Massachusetts
Kalamata National Gallery, Migrations, curated by Heather Kouris, Kalamata, Greece
2007 Istanbul Foundation for Culture & Arts, 10th Annual Istanbul Biennial: Nightcomers, curated by Ovul Durmusoglu, Marcus Graf, Borga Kanturk, Pelin Uran and Adnan Yildiz, Istanbul, Turkey
Urban Culture Project, La Esquina, Truck, curated by Barry Anderson, Kansas City, Missouri
2006 Can Serrat International Art Center, Gal/Loco, Barcelona, Spain
Creative Research Laboratory, Intersections, curated by Jade Walker, Austin, Texas
2005 National Museum of Art, SIART Biennale Bolivia 05, La Paz, Bolivia
Qbox Gallery, Athens, Greece