The Listening Array: Video
1:45 min., SD video
The Listening Array is a single-channel video, a site-specific video installation and a series of photographs.
A group of people observe a formal dinner party through a structure of gold pipes. The party guests are seemingly unaware of the group of people observing them through the array of pipes. The soundtrack is the Russian funeral march, Вы жертвою пали (You Fell Victims) [1878].
The Listening Array: Photograph 1
75” x 40”
The Listening Array: Photograph 2
75” x 40”
Click here to see the project fabrication process.
Corey Blondin
Mollie Durkin
Dustin Ellis
Karen Eng
Chelsea Fitz Simmons-Diaz
Meg Gardner
Brian Hutcheson
Miyako Igari
Rob Kane
Bernard Larriveem
Kat LeJeune
LeEllen Lewis
Keri Marion
Liz Morgan
Cara Naylor
Peter Owen
Brian Rotondo
Peter Siegenthaler
Alex Smith
Kara Smolca
Kristen Spencer
Mason Sperling
Casey Thomas
Daniel Venezia
Marina Viscun
Justin Lewis
Conner McClure
Jonathon Michals
David Sloan
Вы жертвою пали (You Fell Victims)
Composer: Unknown
Musical Arrangements: Nikolai Ikonnikov (1879-1958)
Lyrics: Anton Amosov (his literary name was Anton Arkhangelsky) (1854-1915)
Written: 1878
Transcription/Markup: Sliva J-Paul/Will Brant, Liviu Iacob, 2003, 2006
© 2008 Megan and Murray McMillan